Thursday, March 1, 2012


Love believes all things, hopes all things.~1Corinthians 13:7

There are two rooms. One to the left and one to the right.

The One on the right is the Room of Appreciation. It is down a bright and glittering hallway.It is bathed in light and promise.Good things are written there about the people in your life. It is warm and sunny. Positive affirmations abound and spill from the door when it opens. Happiness bounces around the room in balls of soft spun gold. Every inch of the room is filled with love, light and happiness. It is where you place all positive encouraging thoughts about your partner.

The One on the left is the Room of Depreciation. It is down a deep dark hallway with a heavy metal door.Negative things are written here about the people in your life. The door locks only from the inside so it is very difficult to get out. It is cold and dark here, with a wet musty smell. Angry words burst out when you open the door. Put downs and complaints explode and multiply around the room. Every inch of the room is filled with anger, darkness and despair. It is where every complaint about your partner is placed.

Where do you spend your time?Like most of us the darker room is easier to get into and harder to get out. the longer you are with someone the more time you end up spending in the dark. It must be a conscious effort to go into the Room of Appreciation, just like when you first met.

It is time to start thinking differently. focus on the positive and the happiness. Focus on your dreams and hopes together and move forward in love. We need to lock the door on our Room of Depreciation and never go in, unless it's to write "CONVERTED IN LOVE" everywhere.

Today's Dare
For today's dare. get two sheets of paper. One the first one spend a few minutes writing out positive things about your souse. then do the same with negative things on the other sheet. Place both sheets in a secret place for another day There is a different purpose for each.
At some point during the remainder of the day, pick a positive attribute from the first list and thank your spouse for having this characteristic

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