Tuesday, February 28, 2012


He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city~Proverbs 16:12

To be irritable means to be near the point of a knife.

As humans we have the tendency to over indulge in everything. In both good an not so good things we spend our time, energy and money. We spend hours working on projects that create stress and take our focus away from our home. Sometimes we eat poorly, drink or smoke and that too causes irritability. We are after all human, and therefor we are prone to excess.

We need to set up space in our lives for calm and happy activity that blesses our home and family. What are your priorities? How do you put your family first?
What are some things that may cause us to be irritable?
Stress~ It weakens your health, resolve and energy.It can be brought on by many things; arguing, division, bitterness, overworking, overplaying,and overspending as well as poor nutrition, lack of exercise and poor rest.
Selfishness~When you are irritable the heart of the problem is a problem of the heart. your mouth speaks from your heart according to Jesus.when you are under pressure what do you exude? lemon juice or sweet nectar? The choice is entirely ours. being angered easily is a sign of selfishness and insecurity.
Lust~ the result of being ungrateful for what you have. When you feel this way you will become easily frustrated with your spouse because they cannot seem to meet the expectations in your mind. It need not be an actual person, simply an idea of what would be "perfect" can lead you in the wrong direction.
Bitterness~ by responding in a judgemental way and refusing to work through anger
Greed~ unfulfilled desires with frustrate you. Strong cravings will make you quick to anger
Pride~ leads you to act in order to protect your ego
These motivations cannot be satisfied. Love will lead you to forgive, be grateful,and be happy. It sets up your heart to respond with love and understanding rather than with anger and exasperation

Today's Dare
Choose today to react to tough circumstances in your marriage in loving ways instead of with irritation. Begin by making a list of areas where you need to add margin to your schedule. then List any wrong motivations that you need to release from your life.

Reflection for day five

SOOO, It's never easy to hear about our faults is it. I know for me it is probably one of the hardest things ever to do. I will for sure keep that in mind the next time I feel judgmental and frustrated. I will take a second, regroup and say it kindly.

Why is there such a vast difference in the way we see ourselves and the way other people see us? I will spend some time praying that the Lord opens my eyes to my faults so that no one else needs to.

Monday, February 27, 2012


He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be reckoned a curse to him.~Proverbs 27:14

Being rude is nothing less than irritating. If you are doing or saying things that are not necessary or unpleasant then you are being rude. poor manners,foul language,or sarcastic remarks (undoubtedly the hardest for me) are not enjoyable attributes in a spouse.

When a man is focused on loving his partner he is behaves in a way that is loving and kind, rather than rude and dismissive. A woman avoids those things which frustrate or disenchant her love. You must express good manners and exercises self-control around your spouse.By doing this you say to them that you value them. If you allow love to change your behavior you will raise the respect level around you.If you dare to love you will give only the best to your own, because you cherish them. If you are unwilling to make needed changes in your behavior then your marriage will suffer for it.

Women, we too suffer from rudeness, though not in the same way as men. King Solomon said "Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.~proverbs 25:24." However, men especially need this lesson "it is well with the man who is gracious~Psalm112:5"
We are either rude through ignorance or selfishness. Neither of them is a good thing
Ask yourself

How does your spouse feel about the way you speak and act around them?
How does your behavior affect your mates sense of worth?
Would your partner describe you as a blessing or condescending and embarrassing?

If you think it is only your spouse in need of work here, you are likely suffering from ignorance as well as selfishness.
here are some principles to focus on
1. Guard the golden rule- treat your mate as you want to be treated.
2.No double standards - be as considerate to your spouse as you are to strangers and coworkers
3. Honor requests- consider what your spouse has asked of you. If in doubt ...ask

Today's dare
Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him/her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them or justifying your behavior.This is from their perspective only.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reflection for Day Three

My Dearest Love,
What was your choice of gift for your partner? How did they react to your gesture? I have given you many gifts my dear heart.I have given you a heart to love, a soul to dance and a mind to think. Often these gifts can be used in ways I had not intended. Watch that you do not use your gifts only to gain favor, but because it is an outward expression of your love. Much as my gifts for you are simply because I love you.
Jesus Christ

 Ok so the 11th hour save last night with peanut butter cups. Money is tight so I was trying but just couldn't get myself out the door. We did go to dinner originally but I thought about it and it seemed more for me, than him. My darling husband brought me home a cup of hot chocolate with stickers all over it. Isn't he wonderful :)


how precious also are your thoughts to me ... How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand~Psalm 139:17-18

To love someone is not a mindless actions, but a process. When you first fell in love you were thoughtful. you couldn't stop thinking about your partner. They were on your mind all the time. you wanted what was best for them and couldn't wait until you saw them again. Once the hunt is over and the race won the sparks of romance slowly burn out.If your thinking does not mature enough to constantly include this person then you will be surprised often by your thoughtlessness.Thoughtlessness is a natural enemy to a loving relationship.

Men often struggle with this more than women. As a woman we are multi-taskers and find it easier to be thoughtful. For men , it often takes much more to bring this action to fruition. God created women to be to compliment men. "it is not good for man to be alone ; I will make him a helper suitable for him.~Genesis 2:18"

Men and women think so differently. Men are very concrete and often say exactly what they mean. Women, however, speak in meanings and inferences. if a couple does not understand this it can destroy them.Women long for their partners to be thoughtful, it is a major building block in their ability to feel loved.Therefor it is a mans work to put the pieces together and figure her out. If she must spell it out for him it detracts from the loved feeling she wishes for.
Men should listen and learn to be considerate of these unsaid messages and women should not speak one thing while meaning another.
Great marriages come from great thinking.

Contact your spouse sometime during the business  of your day. Have no Agenda other than asking how he or she is doing and if there is anything you can do for them.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Be devoted to one another in brotherly love: give preference to one another in honor~Romans 12:10

In the world today we have all become enamored with ourselves. Its about us. How we feel, what we want, what we think, and where we want to go. We give very little thought to what the other people in our lives may want. We often become so self absorbed that we can no longer see the impact of our actions on the loved ones in our life. The true opposite of the word love is selfishness.

When did you last act in your own desire rather than for the betterment of your partner? I know personally I do that often and it saddens me. I have personally created a rift that until today , I wasn't even aware existed.my darling husband gets up with the children should they wake at night. He works during the way , I do not. It is certainly a very selfish thing for me to do. I have to work on that.

Your actions may not be the only selfish thing. What is in your head? Where is your heart? What motivates you?
When a husband is selfish he puts his own desires, priorities, and interests ahead of his spouse. For a wife who complains of the time and effort she puts into caring for her husband and family that too is selfishness. Sadly we all can be selfish from time to time, but it is the hallmark of your relationship? Do you live a selfish life? love does not seek its own but the better of others. True love looks for a way to say yes. It cares for the other imperfect human in a loving way in their best interest.

Our Jobs as part of a whole is to care and love the other in a pure unselfish way. to not hurt or complain about the work needed to maintain the relationship.

even generous actions can be selfish if the motive is to gain favor or worth. If it is simply to boast then you have acted in selfishness. Love is satisfied only in the happiness of others. This does not mean you cannot be happy, but you cannot at the expense of your partner. When you make loving your partner a priority you will find inner joy. If you find it hard to sacrifice your own desires to benefit your spouse you may have a deeper problem with selfishness than you want to admit.

ask yourself
Do i truly want whats best for my husband or wife?
Do I truly want them to feel loved by me?
Do they believe i have their best interest in mind?
Do they see me as looking out for myself first?

What is your reputation in the eyes of the people around you? Your partner also has the trouble of loving a selfish person. So be the first to demonstrate real love, with your eyes wide open.

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves~Philippians 2:3"

Today's Dare
Whatever you put your time, energy and money into will become more important to you. It's hard to care for something you are not investing in. Along with restraining from negative comments buy your spouse something that says "I WAS THINKING OF YOU TODAY"

Reflection for day two

My Dearest One,
Yesterday was far easier than day one for you was it not? Were able to easily meet the challenge?  What was in your heart as you proceeded with the task? Did you do this because you felt you had to or because you wanted to? How did your heart feel? Always remember that what you do to the lease of of men is what you do to me.
Your Savior

I picture Him saying this to me. I did complete day two. I struggled with doing something as an act of kindness. By the end of my day I am so burnt out it takes all I have just to not snap never mind be nice. I had planned on doing the dishes and cleaning up so Dan didn't have to watch over the chores. I felt ill after dinner so I sat down. It was either that or puke everywhere. Dan went to put baby girl in bed around 9 and fell asleep so I chose to let him just stay in bed, where I normally would have woken him to help.

The end result was him waking up a few hours later when I came to bed and getting up to find the chores not done properly and some of the food still out. So much for him feeling relaxed and calmed by  going to bed early. So I guess I kind of failed at that one. The intention was pure.

 I struggled during the day with what act of kindness I could put forward for him. It surprised me that this was so hard.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you~ Ephesians 4:32

"Kindness is love in action. If patience is how love reacts then kindness is how love acts to maximize the positive.(love dare)"one prevents the other is proactive. We must act in spite of our feelings and become proactive in our approach to our spouse. Love is kindness and kindness makes you attractive. It is very important you understand the connection between the two sides of love.
The Bible tells us that kindness is crucial " do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man" ~Proverbs 3:3-4

Seem to mundane for you? Let's break it down further

Gentleness~When kindness is at the center of your being you are careful in your treatment of your spouse. You do not purposely hurt them. you are tender, thoughtful, and gentle. Even when you must express something less than pleasant you do it in a way that does not hurt the other unnecessarily.

Helpfulness~It is important you are helpful and that you meet the needs of the moment. kindness is the grace that allows a woman to serve her husband without worry of her rights. It also allows man to be curious as to his wife's needs. To also meet those needs even if it means his are put on hold.

Willingness~through kindness you are inspired to be agreeable. You strive to be cooperative and flexible rather than reluctant, obstinate, and stubborn. A kind husband ends arguments simply by being kind and flexible rather than demanding his own way.

Initiative~ Do you wait to be told when it is time to help? Do you wait until anger boils up in order to move and change? Do you wait to decide until the final minute? When acting in kindness you see the need and act... first

It may be difficult to demonstrate love and kindness when you do not feel it. But love in it's truest sense is not based on feelings. Love shows thoughtful actions even when their is no reward. Jesus loves us, and often we turn our backs. So must be the same in your marriage and it need be unconditionally

Day Two Dare
In addition to to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.

Day One complete

It's a struggle for me to not unload on Daniel when I am upset. I can't imagine that is easy to listen to. So this day one was really hard to do. I found myself physically biting my tongue many many times last night. I got so frustrated a few times and still chose to say nothing. The gift was that waking up this morning I don't even really remember what they were. I did slip and tell him he put Grace's tights on backwards. Did he need to know that? Nope, he did not but it came from my mouth faster then I could stop it.

This is going to be work.Lord help me to be more positive so this sin't such a struggle. Lord help me to remember all the good reasons why I married this man. Lord thank you for this day, my family and my husband. I am truly blessed

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


be completely humble and gentle ; be patient, bearing with one another in love. ~ Ephesians 4:2

Love is the most powerful feeling that we as humans know. this still does not equal a drop in the amount that our God loves us.Love motivated us for life and no relationship is successful without it.It is built on patience and kindness.

No one likes impatient people(I should know I tend to be one) the less patient you are the less people there will be around you to be impatient with. For some it comes easily, others like myself it is a bit harder. I know that i truly struggle in this realm. I am grateful Daniel is at work most of the day today while I try to master my patience. I am praying hard that the Lord watches over all of us within this dare to show us the true nature of our beings and allow us to change.

While a patient response can mend and defuse and angry response does not make things better.
What tone would you like to set in your home. What do you want to be, because, what you are inside your house is what you are in the defining moments. The moments that define who you are are seldom prepared for, and they may bring out the best or the worst in us. Who are you in those defining moments?

Day One Dare
The words we speak are a direct view into our hearts. They mirror our thoughts and feelings. For the next day, resolve to be patient and say nothing negative to your partner. Say nothing if the temptation arises.

Can I say this is going to be really hard for me. I tend to spout off at Daniel when I get stressed out. I always feel terrible after, so I need to work on that one a little more.  I want my home to be a peaceful happy place that my children will remember. I want them to grow up knowing that love exists and there can be a happily ever after. 

Before we begin

Understand that this is a long term 40 day commitment. Some of the daily dares may be difficult and taxing. This journey is not meant to be an easy one.

God created marriage as a good thing. Marriage has so many purposes according to God's will. The Lord loves us with everything he is and wants us all to be happy. He blesses us daily in ways we may not even understand, simply because he loves us.
In choosing to follow this dare you are choosing to lead your heart rather than follow it. If you do not actively lead your heart, something else will. The Bible says " the heart is more deceitful than all else"(Jeremiah 17:9) it will aways focus on what feels right at the moment.
Make no mistake about it, this is not about trying to change your partner but trying to change your self. It is about demonstrating genuine love for imperfect unpredictable human beings.
Three elements are present in the book
1. a unique aspect of love is discussed
2. a specific dare for each day
3. you should journal this journey each day. here or other places. privately, publicly whichever you are comfortable with



My life and marriage are so very important to me. I am exceptionally happy in both my life and my marriage.We are digging the well before we are thirsty.I want everyone to be happy in their marriage. It isn't easy to make a family work. it takes faith, love, commitment, and honesty. I married a man of integrity, he loves me more than anything in the world. He is not without fault, neither am I but we are blessed to have each other. He may chime in from time to time just to give a guy's perspective. I urge you all to chime in and speak your mind if the mood moves you. You do not need to share, but please just know that you can.

I am truly blessed to have amazing mentors in my life. Bob and Michelle have an amazing marriage, family and faith. I take many lessons from them and my heart is happy and full. It was their suggestion that lead me in the direction of fireproof. God has lead me to move forward with this, and has called me. I will lead others where the Lord leads me.

This is a 40 day journey. It will not be easy and is not to be taken lightly. It can be applied to marriage but also to many other aspects of life. Each day I will post the love dare of the day and a reflection on the day before. Wont you please join me?

The movie Fireproof stars Kirk Cameron and Erin Bethea from Sony pictures home entertainment.
The Book LOVE DARE is available through my site at Barnes and Noble.Written by Stephen and Alex Kendrick with Laurence Kimbrough. I will suggest you get the book because of the valuable pieces I will not be able to include in this journal. Also the book provides private journal space which may some day become a legacy to your family. I urge you to buy the book, and embark on the love dare with us