be completely humble and gentle ; be patient, bearing with one another in love. ~ Ephesians 4:2
Love is the most powerful feeling that we as humans know. this still does not equal a drop in the amount that our God loves us.Love motivated us for life and no relationship is successful without it.It is built on patience and kindness.
No one likes impatient people(I should know I tend to be one) the less patient you are the less people there will be around you to be impatient with. For some it comes easily, others like myself it is a bit harder. I know that i truly struggle in this realm. I am grateful Daniel is at work most of the day today while I try to master my patience. I am praying hard that the Lord watches over all of us within this dare to show us the true nature of our beings and allow us to change.
While a patient response can mend and defuse and angry response does not make things better.
What tone would you like to set in your home. What do you want to be, because, what you are inside your house is what you are in the defining moments. The moments that define who you are are seldom prepared for, and they may bring out the best or the worst in us. Who are you in those defining moments?
Day One Dare
The words we speak are a direct view into our hearts. They mirror our thoughts and feelings. For the next day, resolve to be patient and say nothing negative to your partner. Say nothing if the temptation arises.
Can I say this is going to be really hard for me. I tend to spout off at Daniel when I get stressed out. I always feel terrible after, so I need to work on that one a little more. I want my home to be a peaceful happy place that my children will remember. I want them to grow up knowing that love exists and there can be a happily ever after.
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